Naked bodies will tell us the truth
So a history we don't need anymore
We make love to the dizzying light
And I'm running still


I hope the following programs (all freely available, of course) are useful for some.

Fahrplan permits easy Internet inquiries about regional public transportation connections in the German Rhein-Main area around Frankfurt, without the help of a Web browser, and with the possibility of storing often used connections as shortcuts. For NEXTSTEP and OPENSTEP/Mach. Localized only in German.

PersonalINN is a full-fledged news server for personal use. It permits you to fetch newsgroups from the news server of your Internet service provider, store them on your computer or local network and read them or post to them offline with any NNTP newsreader. PersonalINN 2.0 is based upon INN 2.2, is precompiled and -configured, and has a Graphical User Interface for configuration and administration, as well as an extensive online help. For NEXTSTEP and OPENSTEP/Mach.

Ritual Spring Summer Autumn Winter